Haven Manor Health Care Center

Haven Manor Health Care Center

haven manor health care center

Haven Manor Health Care Center of Far Rockaway, New York is a Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home offering 240 beds. Situated near shops, restaurants and churches – including St John’s Episcopal Hospital At South Shore which is only 0.2 miles away; South Nassau Communities Hospital lies 7.3 miles from this care community – Haven Manor provides seniors with a comfortable place to call home while also offering activities such as music therapy, pet therapy and board games to keep themselves active in. Three well-balanced meals a day are provided daily; staff can also assist in special diet requirements when required.

Staffing ratings are an integral component of assessing a nursing home. They demonstrate how many hours each resident spends with a nurse or other caregiver each day – an indicator of both care quality and potential issues that need addressing. Haven Manor Health Care Center boasts a staffing rating of 2.0 which falls 9% below state average and 26% below national average; meaning on an average day residents at this facility will see less than full time nurse.

Staff turnover rates at nursing homes should also be taken into account when evaluating them, since high turnover can result in inconsistent caregiving teams that struggle to understand each resident and meet their unique needs. Haven Manor Health Care Center stands out among many others with its relatively low staff turnover rates that allow more stable caregiving teams that can get to know every resident better and meet them individually.

Physical Therapist Staffing Hours per Resident at Haven Manor Health Care Center are an important indicator of quality care given in nursing homes, as the amount of time a PT spends with each resident directly correlates to progress and improvement of condition for that individual resident. Haven Manor has 7 minutes per resident daily of physical therapist staffing time per resident which exceeds both New York and national averages but falls below ideal standards of service provision.

Hospitalization rates are another key indicator of nursing home quality of care. Haven Manor Health Care Center stands out by having more short stay residents hospitalized within 30 days after discharge than New York and national averages, which indicates they may not be doing their part to prevent residents from returning to hospital and should be further investigated.

Haven Manor Health Care Center typically charges an average monthly rate starting from $1,234 up to $14,357 based on three months of care for your loved one. Please be aware that prices may differ based on individual service needs.