Are Children of Tiger Parents Lucky?

Are Children of Tiger Parents Lucky?

are children of tiger parents are fortunate

Your children could be considered products of “tiger parenting”, a strict and authoritative style of child-rearing often associated with Asian and immigrant families. First popularized by Amy Chua’s 2011 memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. “Tiger parenting” describes this form of disciplined child rearing that often comes out in their tests or piano practice sessions – traits often seen among students from tiger families.

These parents believe that the highest form of love for their child is seeing them succeed academically, even if that means forcing them to study all weekend or practice piano for hours at a time despite words hurting or frustration from either party. At the end, these kids should go on to prestigious universities, excel in their careers, and live happy lives.

However, many parents seem overconfident in their abilities to raise their children effectively. Tiger parenting has been shown to have several adverse impacts on both mental and physical health of its progeny; furthermore it may cause them to feel resentment towards their parent as well as emotional abuse resulting in possible emotional neglect of children requiring help with sexual or drug related problems. Furthermore, this type of parenting could make those seeking help for these issues less likely to seek assistance – which can be particularly dangerous in cases involving sexual and drug addiction.

While not all tiger parents are abusive, some do cross over into familial abuse. Joel Navarez, a full-time university counselor at De La Salle University-Laguna has identified specific signs that indicate when tiger parenting has crossed into abusive territory.

“Tiger parents tend to set high expectations for their children, which may lead to unhealthy interactions between parent and child,” according to Rappler. When used excessively, controlling behavior may turn toxic leading to emotional distress for both parties involved.

Tiger parenting has been found to have many detrimental impacts on children, such as an inability to trust other people, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, it has been associated with low cognitive and social-emotional skills development as well as poorer GPAs and increased levels of stress and burnout for their offspring.

Good news is that it’s possible to avoid the adverse effects of tiger parenting by adhering to some simple advice below. In turn, this should allow children to grow into independent and fulfilled adults without resenting either their parents or childhood experiences.

Parents must seek to strike a balance between their aspirations for their children and involvement in their lives, such as reading daily to youngsters from an early age is beneficial in increasing vocabulary and understanding different sentence structures and grammar rules. Ultimately, however, it will ultimately be up to each child whether their parent’s educational and work ethos are something they wish to follow themselves.