Is Chai Tea a Herbal Tea?

Is Chai Tea a Herbal Tea?

Chai tea, hailing from southern India and comprised of a blend of teas with aromatic spices, is often considered an alternative to coffee as an effective means of relieving jitters, increasing energy levels and soothing joint pain. Furthermore, its antioxidant-rich composition may protect against heart disease as well as decrease blood sugar levels.

Chai tea is typically prepared by simmering spices with water and milk in a pot on the stovetop, though you can also find cold and iced versions available online. Sweetener options often include white, brown, raw sugars as well as honey or natural sweeteners like stevia or agave for optimal flavoring. Cold or iced versions may also exist depending on personal taste; simply look online!

Chai beverages typically consist of black tea varieties from India such as Assam and Darjeeling; however, green teas, South American herb yerba mate or all-natural herbal blends without leaves can also be used to craft these drinks. Some people even mix different varieties into their blends such as mixing Assam with Darjeeling and rooibos teas in one drink!

Chai blend ingredients can vary, but most often consist of black tea, cinnamon sticks, cardamom seeds and fennel seeds. Each herb and spice has long been used to help treat various health conditions – for instance ginger is well known for helping digestive issues while black pepper relieves pain; cardamom soothes tension; while cloves have antiseptic properties. When combined together these herbs and spices create a tasty drink which can relieve stress, ease digestion, boost energy levels, ease headaches and soothe joint pain.

Contrary to popular belief, most chai teas contain little to no caffeine compared to coffee, although amounts may differ by brand; most contain less than 40 milligrams per 8-ounce serving; however if you are enjoying an overly sweetened beverage such as chai tea latte this could increase significantly.

Chai tea may also help to lower blood sugar levels due to its spices such as ginger and cinnamon. However, be mindful that cafe-served chai can often contain added sweeteners which could undermine any potential blood sugar-reducing benefits; thus making chai at home may be more suitable for maintaining a healthier diet.