How to Do Keyword Analysis in SEO in Less Than Five Minutes

How to Do Keyword Analysis in SEO in Less Than Five Minutes

Keywords are what link your website to those searching for what it offers; therefore, keyword research and analysis is one of the most essential tasks in an SEO workflow. But doing it properly may feel time consuming and daunting at times!

With some basic tricks and techniques, keyword analysis can be completed quickly – even within five minutes!

1. Generate a list of relevant terms and their search volumes. A good way to do this is to speak with your customer-facing team, asking what search terms they hear your prospects and customers using when looking for your type of product or service. Alternatively, free tools like Google Keyword Planner as well as paid tools like Ahrefs, Semrush Wordtracker Ubersuggest may also help generate keyword ideas.

Once you’ve created a list of keywords, make sure to categorize and analyze their search volumes. This will give you an understanding of each term’s intent as it relates to your business goals; for instance if you’re seeking more attendees at yoga classes for beginners or weekend yoga classes.

While it’s essential to focus on search volume and relevance when prioritizing keywords, you should also take into account their difficulty of ranking for each. Keywords with higher competition could prove challenging when trying to achieve page 1 rankings; so using tools with competition score information for each keyword is invaluable in making more informed decisions on which ones you should prioritize.

2. Conduct a keyword gap analysis to discover terms your competitors are ranking for but you’re not.

Utilize Semrush’s Position Tracking to achieve this task; part of their keyword research and analysis suite. This tool displays the top 10 results for every keyword so that you can identify opportunities to boost SEO performance.

Integrating keyword research and analysis processes under one umbrella will save time while simultaneously meeting audience needs and search intent. Furthermore, automating these processes and generating more insights are huge time savers – that’s why many SEOs today prefer search marketing software that does it all, from initial keyword and research analysis through recommendations for optimizations to ongoing performance reporting and opportunity discovery. Start a trial of Semrush today to experience its power first hand!