How to Stop Online Gambling

How to Stop Online Gambling

If you are struggling with online gambling, it is essential that you recognize and seek help immediately. While this can be challenging – particularly if significant amounts have been lost and relationships compromised as a result – with proper support and guidance it is possible to overcome your gambling addiction and achieve freedom from it. Consulting a trained mental health professional or addiction counselor may help create a treatment plan tailored specifically for your unique circumstances as you work toward quitting this destructive behavior.

As well as avoiding high-risk situations, you should take measures to identify and avoid those people, places, and activities which prompt your urges to gamble. This may mean uninstalling gaming apps from your phone/tablet device; disengaging from social media platforms that promote gambling; staying away from casinos/sports betting venues; as well as discovering alternative hobbies/recreational activities to replace those offered by gambling (for instance if it provides you with relief from boredom try taking up exercise or cooking instead).

Begin seeking help for your gambling addiction is an essential first step, and many individuals can gain from speaking to a therapist or support group. A therapist can teach healthy coping mechanisms that can help reduce urges to gamble while improving overall well-being.

Journaling can be an effective coping mechanism that can help identify and address negative thought patterns. For instance, if you tend to think you will win every spin or event on its own, writing them down in your journal and analyzing them objectively can be beneficial in challenging these beliefs and shifting any irrational ones that contribute to compulsive gambling behavior.

Reassessing your financial situation and closing any secret accounts used solely for gambling should also be on your agenda. By having all of your finances in one place and being open about debts, an accountability level can be established that will prevent impulsive gambling decisions from coming about. Furthermore, it would be advisable to limit how much cash you carry with you whenever leaving home and avoid using credit cards outside your budget.

Learning your triggers – situations, thoughts or feelings that lead to gambling behaviors – is the final step in breaking free of gambling addiction. This may involve identifying individuals in your life who promote gambling habits; finding alternative forms of socialization; or altering routines by switching up channels or finding other forms of recreation if, for instance, watching sports games when returning home from work becomes part of your routine.

Men’s Health offers this guide on combatting gambling addiction. Additionally, BetterHelp, an online counseling service which matches you with licensed therapists and provides therapy sessions at discounted rates, can also offer help; use “MensHealth20” when booking your first session and receive a 20% discount!