What is on Page SEO?

What is on Page SEO?

Search engine optimization involves optimizing both the individual pages on your site, as well as their overall structure, to increase its search engine optimization (SEO). On-page SEO elements give you more control than off-page ones such as earning backlinks from other reputable sites; such as keyword usage, title tags, meta descriptions, page speed optimization and content structure optimisation.

This article will give you an understanding of on page SEO so that you can optimize the pages on your website for search engines. We will cover both basic techniques as well as more advanced ones to increase rankings.

On-page SEO strives to make web pages as friendly to search engines as possible by employing relevant keywords, creating quality content, and making sure the page structure is correct.

Title tags are one of the first things search engines see when it crawls your page, making them extremely important in helping search engines understand whether your content meets user search intent and categorize it accordingly. Your title tag should include both targeted keywords as well as accurately describing its contents.

Heading tags (H1 through H6) provide a hierarchical framework for your page content. H1 should be your most prominent heading on each page and describe its overall subject; H2s can outline subtopics. Including target keywords in headers is one way to boost on-page SEO; just don’t overdo it – too many keyword references could trigger Google to penalize your content as spam.

Your content should provide users with valuable and informative information that answers the questions most likely asked by your audience. Make sure it’s accurate, well-organized and easily readable on mobile devices by breaking up large blocks of text with bullet points, images or callout quotes; use the srcset attribute to optimize images for different screen sizes.

Meta descriptions are short descriptions that appear below your page URL in search results and can be an essential element of on-page SEO, drawing users in and encouraging them to click. They should contain no more than 155 characters for desktop and 120 for mobile, as well as give an accurate summary of what the page covers.

Meta descriptions provide an ideal opportunity for user engagement by including calls-to-action or special offers in their meta descriptions. Regularly update your metadata so it remains relevant to current search queries; utilize tools such as PageSpeed Insights or MozBar to test page speed; if your site is slow, consider optimizing its architecture and adding high-quality pages of content that could propel it toward becoming one of the top SERPs for its relevant keywords.